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How to reduce creatinine by yoga?

High creatinine levels and kidneys correlated with each other. Kidneys are essential to filter creatine and eliminate creatinine from the...

5 Foods to Lower Creatinine

High creatinine: A serious concern for kidney patients Usually, people are affected by what they haven’t even dreamt of. A person ...

Is proteinuria dangerous?

Proteinuria is a serious renal ailment when leads to an excessive loss of protein from the body via urine. This condition mainly caused...

Antibiotics that can cause kidney damage

Kidney damage occurs because of some unethical risk factors that harm the output of the renal and make it incapable. Those risk factors...

How do you treat protein loss?

Protein is important stuff that helps build muscle, bone, cartilage, and blood. A protein-rich meal gives you energy, makes you feel...

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