Protein is important stuff that helps build muscle, bone, cartilage, and blood. A protein-rich meal gives you energy, makes you feel fuller. But if your urine has excess protein, it shows up some serious issues with your health. The kidneys filter waste substances, including excess fluid from the blood. In the same process, molecules of protein also skip from the blood when the filters are not working as required. Though it is usual to have a little bit of protein in the urine, the worrisome part is when there is too much protein in the urine, and the urine appears foamy or bubbly. There are conditions causing a temporary rise in the protein level in the urine, but not necessarily related to kidney disease, such as: ● Dehydration ● Emotional stress ● Strenuous exercise ● Fever ● Exposure to extreme cold Nevertheless, if the cause is kidney disease, treatment like Protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda may help address the problem. Ayurveda helps to treat the underlying cause of the problem without bringing any chaotic issues later in life. Causes of protein in the urine The liquid portion of blood plasma contains different proteins, of which albumin is the main. The function of albumin is to prevent fluid from sipping into the cells and tissues and plasma protein from being eliminated along with waste products when urine is produced. This whole process is carried out in a two-way mechanism: There are millions of tiny blood filtering units called nephrons in each of the kidneys. Further, each nephron is made up of a cluster of blood vessels called the glomerulus. Usually, the glomerulus acts as a barrier to keep the larger protein molecules in the blood only. Each glomerulus is linked to the tubes that absorb fluid and molecules from the glomerulus. The smaller proteins, in case, if pass through the glomerulus, is collected by the tubules. The problem arises when either the glomeruli or tubule is damaged, leading to protein in the urine. Inflammation or scarring is often the cause why glomeruli are allowing protein and red blood cells into the blood. The other possibility why you are exhibiting lots of protein in the urine is the presence of too much of a smaller protein that tubules cannot reabsorb at all. What are the symptoms of protein in urine? Often people with protein in urine do not necessarily observe signs associated, especially if the kidneys are just about to have problems. However, if proteinuria advances, the symptoms that can be observed are: ● More frequent urination ● Shortness of breath ● Tiredness and fatigued ● Nausea and vomiting ● Swelling in the face, belly, feet, or ankles ● Puffiness around the eyes ● Loss of appetite ● Muscle cramping at night ● Foamy or bubbly urine ● Bone weakness The signs of proteinuria are also linked to chronic kidney disease. Symptoms like changes in urination and swelling in the body should not be ignored, for they can lead to serious health issues later in life. When to see the doctor Seek medical intervention as soon as you notice signs linked to proteinuria. Untreated proteinuria may lead to serious complications later in life, such as CKD or CKF. We recommend our patient’s ayurvedic treatment for loss of protein in the urine to get better with ease. What are the causes of proteinuria? The most common causes of proteinuria are those linked to kidney damage, such as: Diabetes – Proteinuria is the first sign of kidney damage in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Hypertension - High blood pressure also results in protein loss due to impaired kidney function. Some other causes resulting in proteinuria include: ● Amyloidosis - a pile-up of abnormal proteins in organs ● Kidney disease- CKD, glomerulonephritis ● Cirrhosis ● Medications - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ● Immune disorders - lupus, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis ● Infections - endocarditis or kidney infection ● Exposure to toxins - heavy metals, ethylene glycol ● Heart disease, congestive heart failure ● Cancer ● Trauma, injury Additional causes of proteinuria include: ● Destruction of RBCs and release of hemoglobin that occurs in the bloodstream ● Multiple myeloma – Proteinuria due to too many proteins in the blood that overflows into the urine. Multiple myeloma is the cancer of the plasma cells. ● Preeclampsia. In pregnant women, preeclampsia is quite prevalent and is linked to the presence of proteinuria and hypertension simultaneously. The symptoms include edema, nausea, and headaches during pregnancy. Who should be tested for protein in the urine? If you are at risk of proteinuria, your doctor will do tests as a part of the regular checkup. ● Those who are 65 or older. ● Those who have a family history of kidney disease. ● Those who have high blood pressure or diabetes. What treatment follows protein in the urine? The temporary causes of proteinuria can be addressed easily, and most likely, they go on their own. If your doctor confirms that you have proteinuria, it is important, to begin with, Protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda as soon as possible. Medical intervention is necessary to avoid later complications. The reason to switch to Ayurveda is for the betterment of kidneys. Ideally, this treatment has the capacity to strengthen the kidney and restore function. The treatment focuses on: ● Adopting a kidney-friendly diet. ● Ayurvedic medications to regulate blood pressure and diabetes. ● Avoiding alcohol and quitting smoking. ● Regularly practicing yoga and meditation. ● Weight loss. To get ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria, consult us at Karma Ayurveda.
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