High creatinine: A serious concern for kidney patients
Usually, people are affected by what they haven’t even dreamt of. A person having high creatinine not only suffers from numerous complications. Not only the person is affected but the family members too. The life of a person having high creatinine is very complicated as later on, they suffer from the pain of dialysis and other surgical treatments.
High creatinine problems hold a maximum number of cases of kidney failure. Karma Ayurveda Hospital provides an effective treatment for the problems related to kidney disease.
What do you understand by high creatinine?
When the kidneys do not perform their functions properly then various toxins and harmful substance gets accumulated due to which creatinine level increase as it is a chemical substance produced by the synthesis of protein.
Clearance of creatinine from the body depends on the functioning of kidneys. These kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood and disposing of harmful waste from the body.
Top 5 foods that help lower creatinine:
Kidney patients can either eat whole fruits or they can consume in juicy form.
Various precautions should be taken by kidney patients who have high creatinine and they are also on dialysis. Patients should avoid potassium-rich fruits as they may worsen the condition.
Here are some fruits that help to lower creatinine:
Apple: It's an old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple helps to reduce cholesterol, prevents constipation and it also prevents heart disease. Apple is rich in fiber and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Papaya: Papaya is rich in carotene. natural fiber, vitamin C and other essential nutrients that make Papaya the healthiest fruit. Papaya is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium but it is low in sodium. This property of Papaya makes it an excellent choice for kidney disease.
Papaya has vitamin C that is good for high creatinine levels. It helps to control creatinine levels and soothe muscle cramping. It is to be noted that excessive consumption of vitamin C may lead to kidney stones.
Blueberries: Blueberries have antioxidants phytonutrients. They are good source of Vitamin C and manganese that helps to keep bones strong.
Guava: Guava peels are similarly as healthy as the fruit itself. Guava peels are brilliant to control your blood sugar level and they assist in managing type-2 diabetes. Guava peels are also responsible to reduce cholesterol levels. They increase HDL cholesterol which is known as good cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol that is a type of bad cholesterol.
Peer: Peer is a rich source of antioxidants that help in fighting inflammation. It has a flavonoid antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It has fibre that slows digestion that gives more time to break down and absorb carbs.
Karma Ayurveda Hospital: A one-stop destination for high creatinine problems.
Our expert treatment in kidney treatment has shown its result worldwide. Karma Ayurveda has cured more than one lakh fifty thousand patients. Ayurvedic treatment is an amalgamation of herbal medications, a kidney-friendly diet, and exercises.
The treatment of high creatinine from Karma Ayurveda Hospital is highly effective and it gives permanent relief to the sufferer.
If you want to know more about the fruits that help in lower creatinine levels. Then watch the video whose link is mentioned below: